How to create your payment gateway on ShopBase
Kindly make sure your gateway is fully tested and works before integrating it. The ShopBase Approval team will tests all gateways before publishing them to ShopBase merchants.
Payment gateway developers are permitted to integrate a payment gateway with ShopBase.
The payment gateway integrated may be made available to merchants privately. Or, if approved by ShopBase, it may be listed in the public list of ShopBase’s payment gateways, and be made available to customers of all shops in its supported countries.
How to integrate your hosted payment gateway with ShopBase
B. Create your payment gateway and submit a request-for-review form
C. Get your ShopBase payment key
D. Make your payment gateway available to you privately, or to your selected merchants, or all ShopBase customers
A. Become a ShopBase Partner
To sign up for a ShopBase Partner account, click here.
To get more information about ShopBase Partner Program, click here.
B. Create your payment gateway
Take the following steps to create your payment gateway with ShopBase:
1. Log in to the Partner Dashboard.
2. Click Gateways.
3. Click Create new gateway.
4. Enter your gateway name and click Create.
5. Fill out the registration form, including different fields as follows:
Gateway information
Gateway name
This will appear in the payment settings and on the checkout page as a payment option.
Gateway website
This URL will be provided to the merchant within the payment settings and will also be used to review your service.
Gateway category
This will define how your gateway receives methods and display under the payment settings.
Checkout flow
This will specify how your gateway processes transactions: using embedded iframe on ShopBase checkout page or redirecting to payment gateway page.
Gateway logo
This will appear on the checkout page.
Help document URL
This URL will be provided to the merchant within the payment settings and will also be used to review your service.
This will give your users a brief description of your service.
Gateway redirect/embedded settings
Redirect URL
The customer will be redirected to this address at checkout. This URL must properly handle the request values that will be sent
Embedded Iframe URL
This will be embedded to checkout step
Field label
The naming convention used to describe the login credentials for your gateway.
Maximum 70 characters. Only alphabet and numeric characters are allowed.
Field name
The parameters used to connect the login credentials from ShopBase to your gateway.
Maximum 120 characters. Alphabet, numeric and special characters are allowed.
Credentials validation
This URL will be used to validate your Field name and Field label to make sure they work fine.
Gateway order management
Capture payments URL
When a payment capture is triggered, ShopBase will send the Request Values to your Capture URL.
Refund payments URL
When a merchant clicks on the Refund item button from the ShopBase dashboard, the Request Values will be sent to your Refund URL.
Void payments URL
When a merchant clicks on the Cancel order button from the ShopBase dashboard, the Request Values will be sent to your Void URL.
Payment information URL
This URL will be used to retrieve information about a transaction. Payment Provider needs to return the corresponding information with x_transaction_type (authorization, capture, refund or void) requested by ShopBase.
Gateway credential webhook
This will be used to receive notification from ShopBase. ShopBase will trigger notification any time a merchant updates his/her gateway credentials on ShopBase dashboard.
Update Authorization URL
This will be used when a post-purchase authorization is triggered
Currency supported
Supported currencies for your merchant accounts.
Payment gateway name: The gateway name filled in the registration form will be displayed on merchants’ dashboard and customers’ checkout page. The gateway name can’t be changed after being submitted to ShopBase for review.
Payment gateway logo: Upload the logo that meets the following criteria:
It is a high-resolution raster image (e.g. PNG or SVG).
It comes with a transparent background.
It contains small yet easy-to-read texts.
6. After filling out the registration form successfully, you can perform one of the following actions:
Make your payment gateway available for you privately
Make your payment gateway available for your selected merchants
Request a public listing for your payment gateway
C. Get ShopBase payment key
ShopBase payment key will be generated after your payment gateway is successfully created.
To find your gateway key, click one gateway and choose the tab ShopBase payment key.
To get more detailed instructions, visit here.
D. Make your payment gateway available to you privately, or to your selected merchants, or all ShopBase customers
1. Make your payment gateway available to you privately
Once your payment gateway has been successfully created, it will be listed in the Gateway list and can be used by your customers only.
To make any change to your gateway, click its name.
2. Make your payment gateway available to selected merchants
ShopBase takes no responsibility for any issues that may arise when customers check out their orders using the payment gateway that isn’t publicly listed on the ShopBase’s payment gateways list.
3. Request for a public listing for your payment gateway
You must submit a request to ShopBase if you want us to list your payment gateway publicly to all shops in your supported countries.
To do so, click the Submit for review button.
Your request will be processed by ShopBase within 3-5 days from its receipt.
If approved by ShopBase, your payment gateway will be made available to all shops on ShopBase in your supported countries.
If rejected by ShopBase, your payment gateway will require further modification to meet the criteria set out by ShopBase.
After processing, ShopBase will send you the result via email.
Last updated
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